Sunday, February 27, 2011

Relationships SUCK

I am pissed, royally pissed.  And at the same time, I am very happy.

Wanna know why Im pissed?  you do.
Because guys are STUPID!  Here is a relationship where both people are sooo good for each other, they love and complete each other... and what happens?  He breaks it off with her because he is scared he will miss her too much when she goes away to college!  And then what happens?  he feels lonely and want to hang, and want to go to prom with her still... just as friends.  NO!  THIS IS NOT HOW THINGS WORK!  When you have everything that's perfect, you do not just pass it up.  That CAUSES broken hearts, it doesn't help relieve them.

On the bright side though, two people I have wanted to get together forever finally have.  He is such a romantic, and she is a great friend who deserves someone who will treat her like a princess... and he definitely does.  I am so happy for them!  I just hope he doesn't pressure her to have sex... that would be bad.... she could probably handle it... but she really needs to take her time with this boy.  Haha... but he is a perfect man.  perfect perfect perfect.  I want one of him.


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