Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I am extremely happy because 167.6 was my lowest weight this school year, and the fact that I am at 168.6 on TUESDAY morning with wednesday, and thursday, and friday (I am not going to be able to do the diet for seven days, people will find it extremely weird that I am not eating at prom or at bronson's after prom.  I am not going to eat a lot at those, and  I am going to make sure I dance like crazy... but you understand)

so...the diet has already been about 3 days long, today is the fourth, and I have lost 2.2lbs, which means that by the end of the week, I can potentially lose 2.2 more, weigh 166.4, and be at my lowest weight of the year for prom night! WOOOOOOOOO!!!

I am now getting very excited for prom rather than dreading it

Monday, May 16, 2011

Night Time Weigh in!!!

So tonight before I go to sleep I weigh 170.0

WOOOHOOO!  this means that hopefully tomorrow I will be low 169 or maybe even 168 which makes me SO SUPER DUPER EXCITED LIKE YOU HAVE NO IDEA!

soooo.... I have a bit of motivation to lose weight too.... a friends with benefits.
I know, I know, cringe at the word.  Its only going to end in pain etc etc..... I dont really care about that right now.  I wanna do some sexy stuff.... not sex.... I dont think im ready for THAT yet, but sexy stuff.

And I have made myself a little sort of schedule

at 165 I am allowed to officially ask him to be a friends with benefits (we talked about it, but just decided it was something both of us would do, but didnt establish we were gonna do it)
at 163 I am allowed to jerk him off (if he requests, I will bj, if not....)
at 160 I am allowed to BJ him (I know this doesnt sound like a priveledge... but I really actually like doing it)
at 157 I am allowed to let him finger me (unless he insists beforehand, some guys like to give pleasure a lot... I think he may be one of them
at 150 I am allowed to let him lick me (unless he does it beforehand while fingering...because you never know)
and at 145 I am allowed to suggest any sort of kinky stuff I want
and finally, at 140, I am allowed to have sex.  If I WANT to.

Strange, I know....I am strange.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Potato felt GOOOOOOOOOD!!!

The soup is nice.  The vegetables are okay. But MAN!  In my opinion, nothing beats a baked potato.  It was, simply put, fabulous.

And the best part?

Currently I weigh 170.6 lbs, which is before I go to sleep, which means in the morning I will be lighter! (and granted that the other day I weighed 172.2 before bed, and 170.4 when I woke up, I am excited at the possibility of weighing 168.6 lbs in the morning!!!!)

Loving this diet! (even though most of the loss is probably water and waste)

Thought you guys might want a link to the cabbage soup diet!


This is the one that I am following (because it has vegetarian options)

I don't know right now whether I recommend it or not, but I will tell you once I finish!

Keep at your goal!!!

Not Perfect- Tim Minchin

This is my Earth

And I live in it

It’s one third dirt

And two thirds water

And it rotates and revolves through space

At rather an impressive pace

And never even messes up my hair

And here’s the really weird thing

The force created by its spin

Is the force that stops the chaos flooding in

This is my Earth

And it’s fine

It’s where I spend the vast majority of my time

It’s not perfect

But it’s mine

It’s not perfect

This is my country

And I live in it

It’s pretty big

And nice to walk on 

And the bloke who runs my country

Has built a demagoguery

And taught us to be fearful and boring

And the weirdest thing is that he is

Conservative of politics

But really rather radical of eyebrow

This is my country

And it’s fine

It’s where I spend the vast majority of my time

It’s not perfect

But it’s mine

It’s not perfect

This is my house

And I live in it

It’s made of cracks

And photographs

We rent it off a guy who bought it from a guy

Who bought it from a guy

Whose grandad left it to him

And the weirdest thing is that this house

Has locks to keep the baddies out

But they’re mostly used to lock ourselves in

This is my house

And it’s fine

It’s where I spend the vast majority of my time

It’s not perfect

But it’s mine

It’s not perfect

But it's mine

This is my body

And I live in it

It’s 31

And 6 months old
It’s changed a lot since it was new

It’s done stuff it wasn’t built to do

I often try to fill it up with wine

And the weirdest thing about it is

I spend so much time hating it

But it never says a bad word about me

This is my body

And it’s fine

It’s where I spend the vast majority of my time

It’s not perfect

But it’s mine

It’s not perfect

This is my brain

And I live in it

It’s made of love

And bad song lyrics

It’s tucked away behind my eyes

Where all my screwed up thoughts can hide

Cos God forbid I hurt somebody

And the weirdest thing about a mind

Is that every answer that you find

Is the basis of a brand new cliché

This is my brain

And it’s fine

It’s where I spend the vast majority of my time

It’s not perfect

But it’s mine

It’s not perfect

I’m not quite sure I’ve worked out how to work it

It’s not perfect

But it’s mine