Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Feeling Terrible About Myself

You guys all know my love interest, I talk about him a lot.... You know, sometimes it feels like he's really into...and then he says these little nuggets that make me hate myself so much.

Like yesterday.  Yesterday I am trying to comfort him, I'm being a little silly...and I grab his foot because he is trying to run away.  You know that tendon-thing at the back of the ankle?  I was squeezing his, and he told me it was like someone was trying to turn him on in a really weird way.  Well, I wasn't trying to turn him on, so I stopped.  And he looked me in the face and told me he wasn't sexually attracted to me.

Well!  There is a blow to the gut!

Honestly, I don't think that there are any guys who are sexually attracted to me... I need to calm down and be a little bit more "sexy" and less "cute"... because I WANT guys to find me sexually attractive.

But geeze.  Here is a boy who tells me I am gorgeous, beautiful, and pretty (he even called me sexy once)... here is the boy that has known the most about me than anyone before and guess what: he doesn't find me sexually attractive!

Well, that sure makes me feel good.  It would appear that even when I let guys know my personality they still do not want me.

I think I hate myself.


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