Monday, March 14, 2011

Totally Obsessed

This is the girl I hate (in the plaid)

See how fucking thin she is?

I need to be at least that thin, if not even thinner because... well....honestly, who would want to have sex with a fat girl when they are already having TONS of sex with a nice thin girl like that?
No One.

I am mad at my friends (they staged an intervention for me because I had been talking to a guy online.  I stopped) and I am mad at my parents (because they are jerks).  So, I am not eating anymore food until the play.  That is what I have decided and that is what I am going to stick to.

Fuck them.

Whenever I want to eat, I will tell myself that they will like me better if I am thin.

BTW progress pic:

hmmm you can't see much... but yup.  This is my body.  And it is not thin... nope.  see that?  No waist-hip definition.  Big boobs.  Things sticking out.  Nast nasty nasty.  I think I wanna puke.

But Bulimia is gross, so I wont.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

30 Day Workout Bonanza!

I was browsing through Excersize TV the other day, and I stumbled upon something interesting... "30 Days 'Til I Do"

Its a series of 6 workouts that are supposedly going to get you ready for the big day.  Now, I have no idea the order in which you are supposed to do them nor what sort of resting periods there are- if you are supposed to do more than one per day... etc.... Because it costs $15 to get the calendar that tells you that.... but the workouts are free.

So, Im just gonna do one per day, maybe more, and hopefully I will look great in time for my school play (the end of this month! omg!)  Wish me luck!  Make me stick to it!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

I am Fatter than my Father!?

Wow.... hit to my self esteem.  My father has lost a ton of weight (mostly water weight because he got a new kidney) and now he weighs 167.... good for him.  He wants to get down to like 155-160 so that he can go up hills easier with is bike.

It is fine with me that he wants to weight that, I want him to be healthy... but my self esteem hurts that my father weighs less than I do.  He is a man, he is 5'9" and he is really muscular.  It hurts my feelings.  I just weighed myself, and I weigh 172.4 (FUCK MY LIFE!! I WEIGHED 170.2 YESTERDAY!)

No  breakfast today, no lunch, a salad without dressing for dinner today.  I am going to weigh 167 by the end of this weekend, because I cannot weigh more than my father.

I am going to clean my room, go downstairs and work on my prom dress in front of my mother, go shopping, then (when she's gone out to lunch) I will film for my youtube channel, then work out, then maybe work on my homework until it's time for me to go to work.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Feeling Sexy

After yesterdays little compliment, and last nights dream... I am dressing sexy today.  For myself.  I want to feel good about myself.


Feeling Terrible About Myself

You guys all know my love interest, I talk about him a lot.... You know, sometimes it feels like he's really into...and then he says these little nuggets that make me hate myself so much.

Like yesterday.  Yesterday I am trying to comfort him, I'm being a little silly...and I grab his foot because he is trying to run away.  You know that tendon-thing at the back of the ankle?  I was squeezing his, and he told me it was like someone was trying to turn him on in a really weird way.  Well, I wasn't trying to turn him on, so I stopped.  And he looked me in the face and told me he wasn't sexually attracted to me.

Well!  There is a blow to the gut!

Honestly, I don't think that there are any guys who are sexually attracted to me... I need to calm down and be a little bit more "sexy" and less "cute"... because I WANT guys to find me sexually attractive.

But geeze.  Here is a boy who tells me I am gorgeous, beautiful, and pretty (he even called me sexy once)... here is the boy that has known the most about me than anyone before and guess what: he doesn't find me sexually attractive!

Well, that sure makes me feel good.  It would appear that even when I let guys know my personality they still do not want me.

I think I hate myself.


Had a Dream that I was REALLY fat

Im not even sure what hapopened in the dream... I just remember that I looked is how I feel inside.  Revolting, absolutely revolting.


Sunday, March 6, 2011


I had gotten down to 167, I had had consistant weight loss, and I was starting to like the way that I look.  But all good things must come to an end it seems.

I now weigh 172.   Yay!  Fat ass.

No breakfast today.  No eating until I weigh less than 167.  No eating until I weigh 163.  Lots of working out too.

I cannot gain weight, not now.  I need to look good for the play, I need to look good for the recital, for prom.  I NEED to lose weight.  I cannot be a fat ass forever, I refuse.
